Tuesday, July 03, 2007


I am not one of these people that find fault in every aspect of their appearance. Nor am I strutting around thinking I'm the hottest piece of ass, either.

No, if I had to hold my self-esteem up for critique, I'd say I'm pretty average. My current weight, however, is not. I am the biggest I've ever been: pregnant or not.

Standing at an even 5 feet tall, I am a chocolate chip morsel away from a whopping 200 pounds. No joke. I'm a big girl. Which, I've come to accept. Happy about it. HELL NO! Accepting, ummm...yeah.

Let me give you a history lesson. I've always been short. I was 4'11" in the tenth grade, and in 11th grade and ever since. But back in them days, I was 85 pounds...soaking wet with Timbs on. I don't ever really recall being happy or unhappy with my size and shape, it was what it was. I knew I wasn't "stacked" like the other girls, though. But that was okay, I was just happy that I had something to put in my training bra.

I started putting on weight soon after an ankle injury sidelined my cheerleading career (10th grade). I was getting more attention from the boys and doing the pizza parlor/movie theatre thing almost every weekend. I never really paid it much attention, but I'm guessing this was the beginning of something. As time creeped on, so did the little pounds here and there.

By college, I was still in shape but rounding it out some.

By the time I left college, I had the munchies every night and was eating whatever I wanted, when I wanted. Still pretty much in shape but definitely had curves. I could still do a cropped top and be cute.

Well, that was about 10 years ago and folks, I have fallen into the fat ass mother and wife routine. I am not happy about my size. I never dreamed I would wear a pair of size 16 jeans. How did it get this far? And what to do now? Well, we already answered the "how did it get this far" question. It was put on slowly and over the course of many, many years.

The far better question is what to do now. Yes, I could assume big girl status forever and get a frequent customer card at Torrid, but honestly, I'm not built to be this big. C'mon, 5 feet even and almost 200 pounds? I don't care how attractive my face is, it's just not cute.

So, as my 34th birthday approaches at the end of this month, I've decided to just go all out. Fuck it! Come Monday, its no white stuff again and eliptical here I come. I got pretty good results the first time I tried and if I can maintain for at least 8 weeks, I should be in the best shape of my adult life.

It won't be easy. Its going to be hard as hell. But anything beats being this big!