Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Lots on my mind right now. Lots.

My website went up this week: I equated it to the feeling I had when my daughter was born. What can I say? It was a labor of love. So anyways, I am excited to have that up and running. I still have to get the store complete but custom gift baskets...hit me up!

I am pleased with the success that my little basket biz is generating on the strength of word-of-mouth advertising. It makes me think that I might not have to devote a lot of resources (ie. $$$) to a huge marketing campaign. Plus, I can't do it big until I woo my girl Avin away from her current 9-5 to be my Marketing Director. It might not been soon but its a comin!

So, last Thursday hubby and one of his record labels hosted a listening party for REDMAN. It was the most fun I have had at one of those things in a long time. I go to a lot of these and sometimes its just drink, sit and listen. But this was Redman, so you know it was going to be off the hook. The air was a little thick with the sweet smell of Mary Jane and not only did Reggie Noble show up, but he jumped into the DJ booth and started playing cuts from his new album AND some old school bangers. Be honest...when was the last time you heard BIGGIEs GIMME THE LOOT in the club! Exactly! And to his credit - I've already got a favorite single from Reds new album. Its called Pimp Nuts. LOL. The beat is infectious on that joint. And like I say to everyone who asked me how the party was, "I sure don't know what Pimp Nuts are...but that song is bangin'!" Yeah, I know, I sound like someones Grandma! Apparently, its a reference to his movie, How High. Saw the movie. Don't remember what Pimp Nuts are...

This week is a listening party for Fabolous. Ever time I hear or say his name I wanna bust out with "BREATHE!" or "FA-BO-LO-US". I know, its juvenile but so is going to this party to see if his diamond earrings are really as big as his head. Nah, let's just see if I have as much fun as last week.

Now that the weather is starting to warm up, we can expect a lot the women of the Metro area to lose they damn minds, fashion wise. At work, they just don't know how to keep it professional. I work in a building where the biggest tenant is a law firm and hot damn if some of these folks stoll up in here like its the Classics, the Eastside, the Utopia, the IBEX or the Mirage. And if we talking about the younger set and their sense of (?) fashion...well, hell, you never know what you could end up with. Something too tight, too low cut or just flat out ill advised. And since we are on the subject, why do 40 year old women do trendy clothes? Whats that about? I have probably posed that question before...but, c'mon ya'll...

Until next time..