Monday, March 12, 2007

Quite frankly, folks, I'm sick and tired of the bullshit and its not even 9 am!

I started my Monday morning when it was still dark because of this daylight savings...

I got onto Metro only to be off loaded at Eastern Market and then had to take a cab the rest of the way to work...

It's too much for a muthafuckin Monday morning!

Anyways, I had two very good girlfriends celebrate birthdays on Friday and I sent them a little spa gift. They both loved them and the one friend who I haven't seen in years said my card almost brought her to tears. Friendship is a special thing, I tell you. When you have the power to move people just by being you...its a great feeling.

All of this is leading me up to a shameless plug for my gift basket business.

I've always been an artsy-craftsy type gal. I just love a hot glue gun and knick-knacks and shit. What can I say? It suits my personality. So the gift basket dream was born from that, I suppose.
It wasn't until a few years ago, that I honestly realized I could make this my dream job. It was like the perfect combination of shopping and giving that really did it for me. So, I did baskets here and there for family and friends. But real life sets in and the baskets weren't making much of an impact on the bottom line, so it couldn't be full time. But I knew it was what I loved doing, so the dream remained.

Fast forward to about 18 months ago...With the love and support and encouragement of family and friends, I started to REALLY realize that I could do my baskets and work my 8 to 5. And so I embarked on this journey. Its been tough. I secured the website I wanted and was ready to start work on that when Kim died. So I pushed it to the back burner. When I was back up to it, I started up again - they way I knew Kim would have wanted it - and forged on.

Everyday is different. Some days I am really motivated and work on basket stuff til I'm knocked out. Other days I won't go near a mall or a basket. I know for sure that I am not one of these people that will stay up til 3 in the morning working on something and then turn around and have to go to my real job at 6 am. I like to think that I'm a better planner than that.

So once I have the website up and operational, I'll be doing more self-promotion here and on the myspace page that I have that I never really maintain. LOL. Who knows maybe I'll raffle off a basket or two if business keeps going well.

"What am I, alone in this world?" - Robert DeNiro as Al Capone in "The Untouchables"