Friday, February 09, 2007

Like "Sex in the City" but not quite...

If you've been keeping up, you will recall me saying that I don't really have large group of female friends. And to me, I don't. I just can't deal with the drama of it all. And with females there is always drama. But back in the day before I came into my own, I DID have lots of female friends and some of them (rather, very few of them) I still hang out with every now and then. Its a complicated and my female friends.

All of this is leading me to say that I was invited to a Women's Retreat Weekend in April and I am so excited. I'm going with a bunch of girls that I've known since middle school and college. I've never been on a women's only retreat and I'm thinking it's just what I need. A weekend of spa treatments, manicures, pedicures, boat trips and relaxation are in order, ya'll. No kids. No men.

Quite honestly, I never wanted to go on a whole weekend retreat with just women. But marriage and motherhood have definitely changed that. I guess it helps when the women your going with are friends you've known a long time, the ones that were down for beating some ghetto broads ass at the Eastside, the ones that passed out with you on the front steps of your dorm. Ah, the good old times. Maybe I'll crack out the old camcorder tapes and bring them for a good old laugh.

Anyways - the invite has revitalized me and has given me something to feel great about. Something that has been missing since Kim passed away - not sure if it was comradarie or what...but whatever it is, it sure feels good.