Friday, April 09, 2010


I can't believe that I may have fallen into the blackhole of marriage: losing one's identity. I know, it happens. But don't we always say, "It will never happen to ME!" Yeah, right! I'm upset about it because it took me freaking 27 years to figure out who the hell I really was...only to lose sight of it 8 years later? A blower! And try as you might, you can blame anyone and everyone. But the truth is- YOU LET IT SLIP AWAY. And folks, I think I am there already.

Anyway, I started feeling this way since I still have not received my Christmas gift. I won't get into it too much, cuz then I'm going to have to slash someone's tires, but yeah, I'm a little bit bitter to say the least. So no car. And of course, my stuff comes in a distant 4th or 5th place to hubby, his job, kids, their errands, etc. My little "side" biz doesn't stand a chance with no transportation. And no one seems to care.

All of this is to say, it is fucking with my independence. I've been the kinda girl that could get in my car and do what I needed to do when I needed to do it. With no car, its just not that way. And I hate it. And I'm becoming resentful by the minute.

So where do we go from here? I just don't know. I know that I am not a happy camper and I need to make some things happen to get back to being me. Whatever it takes, I think.