Wednesday, April 07, 2010

There are few things in the world that I love more than SHOPPING. Whether its for me or for someone else, I just love it. I definitely get it from my Momma! She is THE original shopaholic. Wish I had her money! LOL.

Anyways, it reminds me of a time back in middle school when I knew this girl who always seemed to never wear the same stuff twice. Me and another friend would spend the night at her house and her closets used to seem like they were bursting with clothes. I was jealous back then. But as we got older, I realized what it was: she DID have a lot of clothes but they were CHEAP clothes.

I only bring this up because of my propensities for shopping. I don't do knock off (anything) and I typically don't do cheap shit unless we're talking about a random tee shirt or something of that nature. Yes, expensive doesn't always mean quality. Hence, the one and only Prada bag that I will EVER have. And everything doesn't have to be labels. But I love a good quality product. And while it seems that the quality goods are the expensive shit, this is not always so.

So, why don't I do knock offs? Save ya some money! It's only a trend and next season it'll be played out! Ah, questions questions! Personally speaking, I don't do knock off's because it goes against everything that I really believe in. Its called frontin'. If I can't afford the real thing, why am I trying to fake like I can with a bootleg? It never made much sense to me and still doesn't. I don't knock anyone for having fake purses or glasses-it's just not me. Not my style.

Which brings us to the cheap shit and why I told that aforementioned story. When I say cheap I'm talking more about quality than about cost. Don't get me twisted. I'm not some label whore that turns her nose up at stuff at Kohls or Target. In fact, the black maxi dress I'm bout to be rockin this summer was purchased at Kmart for under $20. So it's not that. I'm talkin about the clothes that after 3 washes you can see through, the threads start to pullin and the collar is out of shape. Things that should not be worn most of the time. Its just a difference in quality.

A writer for the Washington Post was a little dismayed with all the brand name designers with lines at Target and H&M. Quite frankly, so am I. And its all because of the quality. When Stella McCartney sells something at her store in LA, its going to be a hefty price tag because that represents HER. But if she has a line at H&M and that garment falls apart, the reason is going to be "well, it WAS from H&M". You expect less. You pay less and you want the same quality as the one sold in flagship stores? Come back to reality, please.

Enjoy the glorious weather, until next time!