Get busy livin' or get busy dying...
That's damn right.
Once again, I'm confronted with my own mortality. A former colleague of mine had a heart attack and passed. He was 39. When you know something like this, usually you evaluate your own vices, habits, lifestyle. And while I know that these things affect the longevity of my life, well, I guess the question really is: whatchu going to do about it?
I feel less concerned about my own legacy, I suppose. With my children still minors, I feel like they should be taken care of first. My husband, he would be fine. He was a self-sufficient bachelor before me so I have no doubt he could take care of himself. But my kids. What would they remember? Do you ever think about what your own memorial would be like? I have. And the older I get, the smaller I envision it. Really...who wants hundreds of people mourning you when probably only half of them REALLY cared. Nah, I would like it to be small. Family and very close friends only. No theatrics. No falling out please. No ex's or simple acquantinces. No drama. I want to go out as peacefully and as blessed as I came in.
And for the record, I will say that I, up til this point, have lived a full life. Yeah, at age 36. I had a youth that was *how to put it* OVER THE TOP! I was fortunate to have loved and be loved. I experienced euphoric highs like the birth of my daughter and devastating lows like the loss of my friends Barbara and Kim. Yeah, I've lived a good one so far. And with the grace of His Higher Power, I will live another oh, at least 30 to 40 years. And I will add new memories like my girls graduating and getting married.
I learned long ago to live with few regrets. I say "few" since I personally find it almost impossible to escape some of those damned youthful indescrections. But as a whole, I find regrets a waste of emotion and energy. Regret, to me, means you made a decision and you struggle to live with the consequences of said decision. You know, we all make wrong choices. Some of us make them all the time. Its only tragic when you don't learn from that wrong. We all know that some of lifes most valuable lessons are learned from a bad/wrong/poor decision.
I went to the bottom of the ocean with todays post. Its something about being here today and being gone tomorrow that just resonates with me. I guess I've seen and done too much to ignore it.
That's damn right.
Once again, I'm confronted with my own mortality. A former colleague of mine had a heart attack and passed. He was 39. When you know something like this, usually you evaluate your own vices, habits, lifestyle. And while I know that these things affect the longevity of my life, well, I guess the question really is: whatchu going to do about it?
I feel less concerned about my own legacy, I suppose. With my children still minors, I feel like they should be taken care of first. My husband, he would be fine. He was a self-sufficient bachelor before me so I have no doubt he could take care of himself. But my kids. What would they remember? Do you ever think about what your own memorial would be like? I have. And the older I get, the smaller I envision it. Really...who wants hundreds of people mourning you when probably only half of them REALLY cared. Nah, I would like it to be small. Family and very close friends only. No theatrics. No falling out please. No ex's or simple acquantinces. No drama. I want to go out as peacefully and as blessed as I came in.
And for the record, I will say that I, up til this point, have lived a full life. Yeah, at age 36. I had a youth that was *how to put it* OVER THE TOP! I was fortunate to have loved and be loved. I experienced euphoric highs like the birth of my daughter and devastating lows like the loss of my friends Barbara and Kim. Yeah, I've lived a good one so far. And with the grace of His Higher Power, I will live another oh, at least 30 to 40 years. And I will add new memories like my girls graduating and getting married.
I learned long ago to live with few regrets. I say "few" since I personally find it almost impossible to escape some of those damned youthful indescrections. But as a whole, I find regrets a waste of emotion and energy. Regret, to me, means you made a decision and you struggle to live with the consequences of said decision. You know, we all make wrong choices. Some of us make them all the time. Its only tragic when you don't learn from that wrong. We all know that some of lifes most valuable lessons are learned from a bad/wrong/poor decision.
I went to the bottom of the ocean with todays post. Its something about being here today and being gone tomorrow that just resonates with me. I guess I've seen and done too much to ignore it.
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