Well hello all you folks out there in cyberspace! I am back for a brief post since its been a while. A little of what's been going on in my world...
Turned hubby on to blogging and he's taken off! I've been doing this off and on for almost, what, 2 years? Haven't had more than 5 people read this thing a week - he's getting, like, hundreds of hits and just started. LOL. And please don't take this as some jealous gripe - my hubby excels at damn near everything he does - so that was to be expected! He's the man! As my teen and pre-teen nieces and nephew said when he blessed them with Lil Wayne bags, Ashanti tee shirts and cd's galore.
The baby's eyebrows are growing back nicely. Still not to their full natural glory but well on their way. We're working on the self-esteem thing and how to respond to haters.
She, by the way, is having a glorious summer. Spent a few weeks with the biological - nearly 2 weeks of him all up in her face all day every day! The thought of which, makes me nauseous and woozy...Then she started summer camp, where she is going to 3 different amusement parks, swimming, kickball, crafts and games out the wazoo. Ah, to be a kid again!
My little business is on haitus - a much needed break before I dive headfirst into Christmas. Yes, christmas!
On the homefront, all is great. I came home one day last week and my husband had made dinner! I was so pleased since the carpool driver was on vacation and I had endured a grueling ride home on the Metro. I can say this as well, we are celebrating 6 years of marriage, and I honestly love my husband more than the day I married him. Corny I know, but the God's honest truth. He continues to amaze me with the little stuff. The dinner. The "you should do that since you never do that" attitude. The way he does stuff even though I know he doesn't always want to - shopping and the like...I could go on and on but I'm guessing you get the picture.
I've said it before and I'll say it again...I lead a blessed life.
Not that it's void of daily drama's...after all, I got a baby momma AND a baby daddy to contend with. Time enough for that later, I'm not trying to ruin my happy little rantings! But do be on the lookout for the next post called "Daddy Was A Rolling Stone..." LOL
Turned hubby on to blogging and he's taken off! I've been doing this off and on for almost, what, 2 years? Haven't had more than 5 people read this thing a week - he's getting, like, hundreds of hits and just started. LOL. And please don't take this as some jealous gripe - my hubby excels at damn near everything he does - so that was to be expected! He's the man! As my teen and pre-teen nieces and nephew said when he blessed them with Lil Wayne bags, Ashanti tee shirts and cd's galore.
The baby's eyebrows are growing back nicely. Still not to their full natural glory but well on their way. We're working on the self-esteem thing and how to respond to haters.
She, by the way, is having a glorious summer. Spent a few weeks with the biological - nearly 2 weeks of him all up in her face all day every day! The thought of which, makes me nauseous and woozy...Then she started summer camp, where she is going to 3 different amusement parks, swimming, kickball, crafts and games out the wazoo. Ah, to be a kid again!
My little business is on haitus - a much needed break before I dive headfirst into Christmas. Yes, christmas!
On the homefront, all is great. I came home one day last week and my husband had made dinner! I was so pleased since the carpool driver was on vacation and I had endured a grueling ride home on the Metro. I can say this as well, we are celebrating 6 years of marriage, and I honestly love my husband more than the day I married him. Corny I know, but the God's honest truth. He continues to amaze me with the little stuff. The dinner. The "you should do that since you never do that" attitude. The way he does stuff even though I know he doesn't always want to - shopping and the like...I could go on and on but I'm guessing you get the picture.
I've said it before and I'll say it again...I lead a blessed life.
Not that it's void of daily drama's...after all, I got a baby momma AND a baby daddy to contend with. Time enough for that later, I'm not trying to ruin my happy little rantings! But do be on the lookout for the next post called "Daddy Was A Rolling Stone..." LOL